All resources in English Language Arts

Temperatures in Degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius

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Temperature conversions provide a rich source of linear functions which are encountered not only in science but also in our every day lives when we travel abroad. The first part of this task provides an opportunity to construct a linear function given two input-output pairs. The second part investigates the inverse of a linear function while the third part requires reasoning about quantities and/or solving a linear equation.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Illustrative Mathematics

6.RP, 6.EE Fruit Salad

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This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one part of a complete illustration of the standard to which it is aligned. Each task has at least one solution and some commentary that addresses important asects of the task and its potential use. Here are the first few lines of the commentary for this task: A fruit salad consists of blueberries, raspberries, grapes, and cherries. The fruit salad has a total of 280 pieces of fruit. There are twice as many r...

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Illustrative Mathematics

A-Rei Springboard Dive

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The problem presents a context where a quadratic function arises. Careful analysis, including graphing, of the function is closely related to the context. The student will gain valuable experience applying the quadratic formula and the exercise also gives a possible implementation of completing the square.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Illustrative Mathematics

Combined Fuel Efficiency

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The primary purpose of this problem is to rewrite simple rational expressions in different forms to exhibit different aspects of the expression, in the context of a relevant real-world context (the fuel efficiency of of a car). Indeed, the given form of the combined fuel economy computation is useful for direct calculation, but if asked for an approximation, is not particularly helpful.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Illustrative Mathematics

A-APR Egyptian Fractions II

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This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one part of a complete illustration of the standard to which it is aligned. Each task has at least one solution and some commentary that addresses important asects of the task and its potential use. Here are the first few lines of the commentary for this task: Ancient Egyptians used unit fractions, such as $\frac{1}{2}$ and $\frac{1}{3}$, to represent all other fractions. For example, they might express the n...

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Illustrative Mathematics

MD Delayed Gratification

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The purpose of this task is for students to compare two options for a prize where the value of one is given $2 at a time, giving them an opportunity to "work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication." This context also provides students with an introduction to the concept of delayed gratification, or resisting an immediate reward and waiting for a later reward, while working with money.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Illustrative Mathematics

Sextant Solutions

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The earliest explorers did not have computers or satellites to help them know their exact location. The most accurate tool developed was the sextant to determine latitude and longitude. In this activity, the sextant is introduced and discussed with the class. Students will learn how a sextant can be a reliable tool that is still being used by today's navigators and how computers can help assure accuracy when measuring angles. Also, this activity will show how computers can be used to understand equations even when knowing how to do the math is unknown.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Janet Yowell, Jeff White, Malinda Schaefer Zarske, Matt Lippis, Penny Axelrad

Chess Club

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This problem includes a percent increase in one part with a percent decrease in the remaining and asks students to find the overall percent change. The problem may be solved using proportions or by reasoning through the computations or writing a set of equations.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Illustrative Mathematics