The purpose of this task is to study some patterns in a …
The purpose of this task is to study some patterns in a small addition table. Each pattern identified persists for a larger table and if more time is available for this activity students should be encouraged to explore these patterns in larger tables.
In this task, the students are not asked to find an answer, …
In this task, the students are not asked to find an answer, but are asked to analyze word problems and explain their thinking. In the process, they are faced with varying ways of thinking about multiplication.
Remember your multiplication tables? ... me neither. Brush up on your multiplication, …
Remember your multiplication tables? ... me neither. Brush up on your multiplication, division, and factoring skills with this exciting game. No calculators allowed! The students will be given mutiplication and division problems which they must answer. They also have the option of being given a number then stating the factors of how that number was attained using either multiplication or division.
You get the general idea of decimal is and what the digits …
You get the general idea of decimal is and what the digits in different places represent (place value). Now you're ready to do something with the decimals. Adding and subtracting is a good place to start. This will allow you to add your family's expenses to figure out if your little brother is laundering money (perhaps literally). Have fun! Common Core Standard: 5.NBT.B.7
You get the general idea of decimal is and what the digits …
You get the general idea of decimal is and what the digits in different places represent (place value). Now you're ready to do something with the decimals. Adding and subtracting is a good place to start. This will allow you to add your family's expenses to figure out if your little brother is laundering money (perhaps literally). Have fun! Common Core Standard: 5.NBT.B.7
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