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  • applicatio
Lesson: App Development with Code.org
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

What apps do you use, how often do you use them, and why? This resource was created as a criterion for a professional development activity where the author created an app using the Code.org platform. The app focus is on the Red Tailed Boa as an invasive species in the U.S. Virgin Islands. That app can be viewed here or via the following link link: https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/ffbcpEOiEX-f0qZevO31O3sIQ-RxEQBG8esxHkfVbIs. Feel free to modify and/or use this lesson resource as a foundation for profesional development and growth and/or as an instructional within your classrooms. It can be used by instructors to introduce students to the exciting world of app development, specifically the development of apps using the app lab on Code.org. The lesson was designed to target students at the 9th - 12th grade levels for a duration of 5 to 8 hours, split into multiple session if needed. The duration can and should be adapted based on the needs of the students. Thank you for your interest. Have fun!

Computer Science
Computing and Information
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Everett Ryan
Date Added: