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  • edwardwilmotblyden
Title: "Creating a Progressive Virgin Islands: Pan-Africanism,  Health Equity, and Imagining a Just Future"
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This lesson plan aims to educate students about the significance of Pan-Africanism, focusing on its relevance in the Virgin Islands and Liberia. Students will delve into the contributions of key figures like Reverend Dr. Edward Wilmot Blyden and Dr. Melvin Evans, particularly in the realms of Pan-Africanism, politics, and health administration. The curriculum will address the historical context of healthcare in the Virgin Islands, emphasizing the disparities during Dr. Melvin Evans' tenure as the first Black governor. Through various activities, students will engage in discussions, research, and creative tasks to understand health disparities and propose solutions for a more equitable society. The lesson also integrates standards related to democracy, societal change, and local Virgin Islands pride. Materials for the lesson include biographies, information on Liberia, internet resources, art supplies, and potential guest speakers.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UeAFha9L5Y&t=590s  

Caribbean History
Virgin Islands Culture
Virgin Islands History
Material Type:
Stephanie Chalana Brown
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