El problema con los plásticos by Brian S. McGrath
(View Complete Item Description)Este texto describe el problema de los desechos plásticos y cómo este tipo de contaminación podría afectar el futuro del planeta.
Material Type: Reading
Este texto describe el problema de los desechos plásticos y cómo este tipo de contaminación podría afectar el futuro del planeta.
Material Type: Reading
En este cuento, un rey insatisfecho busca la felicidad y termina aprendiendo una valiosa lección sobre la vida.
Material Type: Reading
¿Sabías que en el mundo hay muchas fiestas que se celebran durante el mes de diciembre? En este texto se describen algunas celebraciones importantes que se realizan en el último mes del año. "Did you know that there are many festivals celebrated around the world during the month of December? This text describes some important celebrations that take place in the last month of the year."
Material Type: Reading
People all over the world celebrate New Year's Eve on December 31st. In this informational text, India James shares about a New Year's Eve tradition, or a practice that has been repeated over time.
Material Type: Reading
Kwanzaa is an important celebration in African American culture that takes place each year from December 26-January 1. Culture is the language, thoughts, and values of a group of people. This text explains how the holiday was created and how it is celebrated.
Material Type: Reading
Recommendations for Teaching Academic Content and Literacy to English Learners.
Material Type: Diagram/Illustration
In this informational text, the United States' history of enslaving black people in the South is discussed. No matter the role a slave possessed on a plantation, they were mistreated and considered to be the property of white plantation owners.
Material Type: Reading
The 2008 U.S. presidential election was a historic one. After Republican President George W. Bush served his two terms in office, the Republican party nominated John McCain and the Democratic party nominated Barack Obama.
Material Type: Reading