Webinar #2 - Discussion

by Joanna Schimizzi 2 years, 7 months ago

Engage in discussion by commenting and replying to someone else in the discusion board:

  1. What are common reasons for misalignment/incomplete alignment?
  2. How can the #GoOpenUSVI platform foster productive discussion about different viewpoints regarding resource alignment?
  3. How does (could) your PLC use alignment discussions in your planning cycles?
Eleanor Francois 2 years, 7 months ago
  1. Common reasons for misalignment/incomplete alignment maybe a lack of understanding on how to break down the standard and pull it apart. Teachers may also need a guideline or rubric on how to break down a standard to fully align a lesson. 
  2.  The #GoOpenUSVI platform can foster productive discussion about different viewpoints regarding resource alignment because it is open to all educators. You can get feedback from persons outside your school or district within the Virgin Islands. The more educators you are in contact with the more ideas and resources you may receive to help you with alignment. 
  3. The PLC is the perfect vehicle for a discussion on alignment because its purpose is to get together and plan lessons through discussion. It is designed for learning and discovery.