All resources in Social Studies Review

The Vedic Period

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From the Vedas, the oldest known Hindu scriptures, scholars have learned about the existence of the Vedic period in ancient Indian history that followed the Indus River Valley civilization. Sal explains more about this early society.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Sal Khan

Hispanic Heritage and History in the United States

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Since 1988, the U.S. Government has set aside the period from September 15 to October 15 as National Hispanic Heritage Month to honor the many contributions Hispanic Americans have made and continue to make to the United States of America. Our Teacher's Guide brings together resources created during NEH Summer Seminars and Institutes, lesson plans for K-12 classrooms, and think pieces on events and experiences across Hispanic history and heritage.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Close Reading Exemplar: Gettysburg Address (Grades 9-10)

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This exemplar has been developed to guide high school students and instructors in a close reading of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. The activities and actions described below follow a carefully developed set of steps that assist students in increasing their familiarity and understanding of Lincoln's speech through a series of text dependent tasks and questions that ultimately develop college and career ready skills identified in the Common Core State Standards. This unit can be broken down into three sections of instruction and reflection on the part of students and their teachers, which is followed by additional activities, some designed for history/social studies and some for ELA classrooms.his close reading exemplar is intended to model how teachers can support their students as they undergo the kind of careful reading the Common Core State Standards require. Teachers are encouraged to take these exemplars and modify them to suit the needs of their students.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Lesson Plan, Reading, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Exploration of the Americas

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This collection uses primary sources to explore early exploration of the Americas. Digital Public Library of America Primary Source Sets are designed to help students develop their critical thinking skills and draw diverse material from libraries, archives, and museums across the United States. Each set includes an overview, ten to fifteen primary sources, links to related resources, and a teaching guide. These sets were created and reviewed by the teachers on the DPLA's Education Advisory Committee.

Material Type: Primary Source

Author: Kerry Dunne

Lesson 2: The Battle Over Reconstruction: The Politics of Reconstruction

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In reviewing events, documentary evidence, and biographical information, students come to understand the complex nature of political decision-making in the United States. In this lesson, they consider the momentous questions facing the country during the Reconstruction debate by weighing the many factors that went into the solutions offered. Students also think critically as they consider whether and how other solutions might have played out.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

John Marshall, Marbury v. Madison, and Judicial Review

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If James Madison was the "father" of the Constitution," John Marshall was the "father of the Supreme Court""”almost single-handedly clarifying its powers. This new lesson is designed to help students understand Marshall's brilliant strategy in issuing his decision on Marbury v. Madison, the significance of the concept of judicial review, and the language of this watershed case.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

VISA for Social Studies Updated July 31 2023.pdf

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In August 2022, this document was reviewed and approved for sharing with stakeholders by the Board of Education. This July 31, 2023 document is a revised, updated version of the document. Social Studies teachers in particular, and other content area teachers and encourage to utilize the standards in their instructional.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: American Institutes for Reserach (AIR), Virgin Islands Department of Education

VI History Month/Virgin Islands History Month Celebration

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“Every year in March, we honor our Virgin Islands' exceptional history and culture, as well as the achievements and contributions of its people. As Virgin Islanders, it is critical that we honor our forefathers' fortitude and continue to build on their great successes.This PowerPoint slide has hyperlinks for teachers to use in celebrating the significant celebration for virgin islands History Month.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Homework/Assignment