All resources in The Virgin Islands Mathematics Collaborative Community

OER Professional Learning Academy Resources

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Introduction to OER Practices & Tools for Discovery Exploration of the what, why, and how of high-quality OER, highlighting use cases involving successful adoption and implementation of materials. Introduction to effective search strategies to identify resources that meet specific OER need areas and priorities.OER Evaluation & Curation Discovery and customization of tools to evaluate the quality and alignment of resources. Examination of curation strategies to collaboratively identify, evaluate, organize, create, remix, and share OER to meet teaching and learning needs and priorities. OER Authoring & Remixing Deep dive into designing and remixing OER for continuous improvement. Get an overview of OER authoring tool and discover how to edit, describe, and publish a resource. Develop plans for future OER work, including designing and facilitating presentations and trainings, and articulating next steps for outreach and advocacy. Determination of how to best leverage OER tools and practices to continue and grow this work collaboratively throughout the islands.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Megan Simmons

STEM Inquiry Lesson Template

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This template supports STEM teachers and librarians in working collaboratively to create lessons that build science practice and STEM inquiry skills in alignment with state and national science standards, and that address the Common Core literacy shifts around close reading and building textual evidence.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Megan Simmons

Education World Back to School Resource

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Check out these articles on everything from preparing for the first day to dealing with homework woes, coping as a new teacher and ensuring smooth sailing for substitute teachers. Be sure to explore our 12 volumes of icebreakers and first day of school activities that help students and teachers get to know each other.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Get Ready to Go Back to School

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Teachers and students come to school bringing a wide range of backgrounds, languages, abilities, and temperaments. Get things off to the best start by asking them to respect their differences and make the most of their similarities. By sharing information on their lives and dreams, students and teachers can build community in the classroom that will support literacy instruction throughout the school year.

Material Type: Lesson Plan, Teaching/Learning Strategy

PBS LearningMedia Back to School Collection

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Get ready for the start of school with some of PBS LearningMedia's favorite back-to-school resources! This collection features activities and video resources to help students get to know each other and their new school routines, and lesson plans to help you get your new class off to a great start.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Game, Interactive, Lesson Plan, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Common Sense Education

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Identify the best teaching tools for your classroom. Engage students and families around positive tech use. Support students' emotional development as they use media for learning and life. Check out the resources below, or bookmark them for when you're ready to dig in.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Robot Design Challenges

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Through the two lessons and five activities in this unit, students' knowledge of sensors and motors is integrated with programming logic as they perform complex tasks using LEGO MINDSTORMS(TM) NXT robots and software. First, students are introduced to the discipline of engineering and "design" in general terms. Then in five challenge activities, student teams program LEGO robots to travel a maze, go as fast/slow as possible, push another robot, follow a line, and play soccer with other robots. This fifth unit in the series builds on the previous units and reinforces the theme of the human body as a system with sensors performing useful functions, not unlike robots. Through these design challenges, students become familiar with the steps of the engineering design process and come to understand how science, math and engineering including computer programming are used to tackle design challenges and help people solve real problems. PowerPoint® presentations, quizzes and worksheets are provided throughout the unit.

Material Type: Full Course, Unit of Study

Authors: Pranit Samarth, Riaz Helfer, Sachin Nair, Satish S. Nair

Grade 1 Module 6: Place Value, Comparison, Addition and Subtraction to 100

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In this final module of the Grade 1 curriculum, students bring together their learning from Module 1 through Module 5 to learn the most challenging Grade 1 standards and celebrate their progress. As the module opens, students grapple with comparative word problem types. Next, they extend their understanding of and skill with tens and ones to numbers to 100. Students also extend their learning from Module 4 to the numbers to 100 to add and subtract. At the start of the second half of Module 6, students are introduced to nickels and quarters, having already used pennies and dimes in the context of their work with numbers to 40 in Module 4. Students use their knowledge of tens and ones to explore decompositions of the values of coins. The module concludes with fun fluency festivities to celebrate a year's worth of learning.

Material Type: Module

Grade 2 Module 3: Place Value, Counting, and Comparison of Numbers to 1,000

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In this 25-day Grade 2 module, students expand their skill with and understanding of units by bundling ones, tens, and hundreds up to a thousand with straws. Unlike the length of 10 centimeters in Module 2, these bundles are discrete sets. One unit can be grabbed and counted just like a banana?1 hundred, 2 hundred, 3 hundred, etc. A number in Grade 1 generally consisted of two different units, tens and ones. Now, in Grade 2, a number generally consists of three units: hundreds, tens, and ones. The bundled units are organized by separating them largest to smallest, ordered from left to right. Over the course of the module, instruction moves from physical bundles that show the proportionality of the units to non-proportional place value disks and to numerals on the place value chart.

Material Type: Module

Grade 2 Module 1: Sums and Differences to 20

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Module 1 sets the foundation for students to master the sums and differences to 20 and to  subsequently apply these skills to fluently add one-digit to two-digit numbers at least through 100 using place value understandings, properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction.

Material Type: Module

Comparisons 1

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In this task students are required to compare numbers that are identified by word names and not just digits. The order of the numbers described in words are intentionally placed in a different order than their base-ten counterparts so that students need to think carefully about the value of the numbers.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Illustrative Mathematics

Grade 2 Module 4:  Addition and Subtraction Within 200 with Word Problems to 100

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In Module 4, students develop place value strategies to fluently add and subtract within 100; they represent and solve one- and two-step word problems of varying types within 100; and they develop conceptual understanding of addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers within 200.  Using a concrete to pictorial to abstract approach, students use manipulatives and math drawings to develop an understanding of the composition and decomposition of units, and they relate these representations to the standard algorithm for addition and subtraction.

Material Type: Module