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  • Promoting STEM in Literature
Ada's Violin Resouces - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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The true tale of the Recycled Orchestra of Paraguay, an orchestra made up of children playing instruments built from recycled trash. The resources includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenge: Students will create their own musical instruments with recyclable materials.

A document is included in the resources folder that lists the complete standards-alignment for this book activity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
Balloons over Broadway Resouces - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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Tony Sarg was a puppeteer and marionette master who invented the first, larger than life, helium balloons for the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenges include: (1) Dash/Sphero: Develop a Macy’s Day Parade route using tape on the ground with a partner. Then, switch routes with another group and program the robot of your choice to navigate the parade route using code. (2) Ozobot: Develop a synchronized dance routine for both Ozobots for the stage of the Macy’s day parade using https://ozoblockly.com/editor (3) Create a moveable puppet that will be featured in the Macy’s Day Parade.

A document is included in the resources folder that lists the complete standards-alignment for this book activity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
Beauty and the Beak Resouces - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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0.0 stars

The true, inspiring story of Beauty, the bald eagle, who was shot, rescued, and received a 3D-printed prosthetic beak. The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenges: (1) Use paper and pencil to design a prosthetic body part for a human or animal. Then use tinkercad.com to create a prototype. Finally, use a 3D printer to print the prosthetic. (2) Have students research animals who use prosthetics. Then, improve the design in Tinkercad and 3D Print.

A document is included in the resources folder that lists the complete standards-alignment for this book activity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind Resouces
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Using scrap metal and spare parts, William Kamkwamba created a windmill to harness the wind and bring electricity and running water to his Malawian village. The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenge: Develop a way to harness the wind by designing with Strawbees.

A document is included in the resources folder that lists the complete standards-alignment for this book activity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
The Boy Who Thought Outside the Box Resouces - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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Ralph Baer’s family fled Nazi Germany for the US when he was a child. Using wartime technology, Baer thought outside the box and transformed the television into a vehicle for gaming. His invention was the birth of the first home console, the Odyssey, a precursor to the Atari gaming system. The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenges: (1) Think outside the box. What’s something you use everyday, but not for its “intended” purpose? Examples: A broom to clean the snow off your car windshield, a trash bag as a sled. Now, think of a problem you might have at school, home, et al. Invent an item that would solve this problem. (2) Let’s think outside the box! Design the latest and greatest technology for kids to hit the market! Make it the *most* fun anyone has ever had. You may NOT use anything on the market - any technology currently on the market is off limits. Use your imagination, do not put limitations on it, and be as creative as you can. (3) Use household items to create a prototype of your new invention.

A document is included in the resources folder that lists the complete standards-alignment for this book activity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
Brilliant Calculator Resources - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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0.0 stars

Long before calculators were invented, little Edith Clarke devoured numbers, conquered calculations, cracked puzzles, and breezed through brainteasers. Edith wanted to be an engineer—to use the numbers she saw all around her to help build America. When she grew up, no one would hire a woman engineer. But that didn’t stop Edith from following her passion and putting her lightning-quick mind to the problem of electricity. But the calculations took so long! Always curious, Edith couldn’t help thinking of better ways to do things. She constructed a “calculator” from paper that was ten times faster than doing all that math by hand! Her invention won her a job, making her the first woman electrical engineer in America. And because Edith shared her knowledge with others, her calculator helped electrify America, bringing telephones and light across the nation.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
ClayMates Resouces - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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Two blobs of clay go on an enjoyable adventure as they transform themselves into fun shapes and new things throughout their escapade. What will they be by the end of the book? The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenge: Design a stop-motion video that morphs an item of your choice into another item. Before you begin, sketch out the process you’ll take to transform your item.

A document is included in the resources folder that lists the complete standards-alignment for this book activity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
Crayon Man Resouces - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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It’s easy to take today’s ubiquitous colored crayons for granted, but they were the result of one individual’s innovation. Biebow introduces Edwin Binney—a mustachioed man and head of a carbon black factory—who wished to make color-pigmented wax crayons that reflected the world outside. The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenge: Think about the school/community/world in which you live and identify a problem that could be solved with a new invention.

A document is included in the resources folder that lists the complete standards-alignment for this book activity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
Full of Beans Resouces - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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After the Great Depression struck, Ford especially wanted to support ailing farmers. For two years, Ford and his team researched ways to use farmers’ crops in his Ford Motor Company. They discovered that the soybean was the perfect answer. Soon, Ford’s cars contained many soybean plastic parts, and Ford incorporated soybeans into every part of his life. He ate soybeans, he wore clothes made of soybean fabric, and he wanted to drive soybeans, too. The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenge: Think about the people in your community and the challenges they face. List three challenges that affect their daily life. Consider something you use every day and brainstorm how it could be repurposed or modified to address this problem.

A document is included in the resources folder that lists the complete standards-alignment for this book activity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
Gaudi Architect of Imagination
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Colorful mosaics, playful flowing forms, imaginative facades—Barcelona shines with the buildings of Antoni Gaudí. How did the son of a Catalan blacksmith become a world-famous architect? The first years of Gaudí's life were challenging. Because of an illness, young Gaudí couldn’t attend school and was often alone. Many of his days were spent out in nature, which he would later call his great teacher. Even during his training as an architect in Barcelona, his teachers were puzzled, wondering: is he a “genius or a fool?” Many considered his unusual ideas eccentric, sometimes even crazy. But Gaudí was simply ahead of his time. His buildings are now a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) World Heritage Site.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
Guitar Genius - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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0.0 stars

This is the story of how Les Paul created the world's first solid-body electric guitar, countless other inventions that changed modern music, and one truly epic career in rock and roll. How to make a microphone? A broomstick, a cinderblock, a telephone, a radio. How to make an electric guitar? A record player's arm, a speaker, some tape. How to make a legendary inventor? A few tools, a lot of curiosity, and an endless faith in what is possible, this unforgettable biography will resonate with inventive readers young and old.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
Hedy LaMarr's Double Life Resouces - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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0.0 stars

Meet savvy scientist and inventor Hedy Lamarr, also known for her career as a glamorous international movie star. Dubbed "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World," Hedy actually preferred spending time creating inventions in her workshop to strutting down the red carpet. Hedy co-invented the technology known as frequency hopping, which turned out to be one of the most important scientific breakthroughs of the twentieth century! Today's cell phone, computers, and other electronic devices would be more vulnerable to hacking without the groundbreaking system discovered by a world-famous actress and gifted inventor. The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenge: Create small groups. Pass out one of the challenges listed in the lesson plan/book card to each group for them to come up with an invention that will solve the problem at hand.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
The House That Cleaned Itself Resouces - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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0.0 stars

Frances Gabe detested housework, so she invented a contraption to free herself from this tedious task forever: a self-cleaning house! Gabe's wacky, wonderful home included almost 70 new patented inventions, from a soap-spraying sprinkler in the ceiling to a kitchen cabinet that washed, dried, and stored dishes all in one place. Though Gabe's invention didn't catch on, her determination and clever thinking remind us that we don't have to accept the world as it is; we can improve it using our minds and our own two hands. The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenge: Frances Gabe created over 70 inventions because she hated cleaning. What is one thing you hate doing for chores? Develop an invention to have it clean itself.

A document is included in the resources folder that lists the complete standards-alignment for this book activity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
How to Build A Hug Resources Resouces - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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0.0 stars

Amy Guglielmo, Jacqueline Tourville, and Giselle Potter tell the story of autism advocate Dr. Temple Grandin’s childhood and her quest to experience the sensation of a hug. The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenge: Students will work to develop an assistive technology solution for people with autism. Alternatively, students may develop assistive technology solutions for students with differing abilities. Students are encouraged to work with peers in a local special education classroom to combine their love of technology and engineering to help positively influence their peers’ lives.

A document is included in the resources folder that lists the complete standards-alignment for this book activity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
The Leaf Detective Resources - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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0.0 stars

Meg set out to climb up and investigate the rain forest tree canopies — and to be the first scientist to do so. But she encountered challenge after challenge. Male teachers would not let her into their classrooms, the high canopy was difficult to get to, and worst of all, people were logging and clearing the forests. Meg never gave up or gave in. She studied, invented, and persevered, not only creating a future for herself as a scientist, but making sure that the rainforests had a future as well. The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenge: Your community has many different areas to explore - it might be a park, a grocery store, a forest, or an alley. For some people, it might be difficult to explore these areas because they may have differing abilities. Select one area in your community, and come up with a plan to build a way for it to be more accessible to everyone.

A document is included in the resources folder that lists the complete standards-alignment for this book activity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
Lion Lights Resources - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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0.0 stars

Richard grew up in Kenya as a Maasai boy, herding his family’s cattle, which represented their wealth and livelihood. Richard’s challenge was to protect their cattle from the lions who prowled the night just outside the barrier of acacia branches that surrounded the farm’s boma, or stockade. Though not well-educated, 12-year-old Richard loved tinkering with electronics. Using salvaged components, spending $10, he surrounded the boma with blinking lights, and the system works; it keeps lions away. His invention, Lion Lights, is now used in Africa, Asia, and South America to protect farm animals from predators. The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenge: Your challenge is to use broken or old technology and other available resources to create a prototype that can be used to protect your home. This could involve tinkering, hacking, or redesigning the components of the technology to meet your needs.

A document is included in the resources folder that lists the complete standards-alignment for this book activity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
Magic Ramen Resources - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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0.0 stars

The true story of how Momofuko Ando was inspired to create one of the world’s most popular foods after seeing long lines of hungry people waiting for a simple bowl of ramen following World War II. He dreamed about making a new kind of ramen noodle soup that was quick, convenient, and tasty for the hungry people because he believed that peace follows from a hungry stomach. With persistence, creativity, and a little inspiration, Ando succeeded. The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenge: Develop a food product (a new food, tool, or invention, et al) to help increase access to food in your community.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
The Marvelous Thing That Came From a Spring Resources - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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0.0 stars

Tells the story of how the Slinky, the most popular toy in American history, was invented. The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenge: Develop a commercial about the Slinky.

A document is included in the resources folder that lists the complete standards-alignment for this book activity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
The Most Magnificent Thing Resources - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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0.0 stars

A young girl has a wonderful idea to make the most MAGNIFICENT thing! But making her magnificent thing is anything but easy, and the girl repeatedly tries and fails. Eventually, she quits, but a walk with her dog and time to think, she comes back to her project with renewed enthusiasm and manages to get it just right. The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenge: Create small groups. Pass out one of the challenges listed in the lesson plan/book card to each group for them to come up with an invention that will solve the problem at hand.

A document is included in the resources folder that lists the complete standards-alignment for this book activity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added:
One Plastic Bag Resources - Promoting STEM Through Literature (PSTL)
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0.0 stars

Isatou Ceesay observed a growing problem in her community where people increasingly disposed of unwanted plastic bags, which accumulated into ugly heaps of trash. She found a way to be the agent of change by recycling the bags and transforming her community. The resource includes a lesson plan/book card, a design challenge, and copy of a design thinking journal that provide guidance on using the book to inspire students' curiosity for design thinking. Maker Challenge: Use plastic bags to develop a new product (i.e. jump rope).

A document is included in the resources folder that lists the complete standards-alignment for this book activity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
Promoting STEM in Literature
Date Added: