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  • Higher Education
Approche introductive de l'intelligence artificielle
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Grâce à une analyse multidisciplinaire et décomplexée de notre relation à l’intelligence artificielle (I.A.), nous questionnerons nos usages quotidiens de l’I.A. Nous remonterons à l’origine historique de la notion d’« intelligence artificielle » afin d’en tirer des questions pratiques et des réponses concrètes, ainsi que des pistes de réflexion. Ensuite, nous aborderons les principes de base du fonctionnement de l’I.A. moderne pour y puiser une série de clés de compréhension. Enfin, nous nous arrêterons sur les craintes et idées reçues qui cernent le débat actuel autour de l’I.A. pour alors débattre collectivement de questions résolument actuelles.

Higher Education
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College Success
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0.0 stars

OpenStax College Success is a comprehensive and contemporary resource that serves First Year Experience, Student Success, and College Transition courses. Developed with the support of hundreds of faculty and coordinators, the book addresses the evolving challenges and opportunities of today’s diverse students. Engagement, self-analysis, personal responsibility, and student support are reflected throughout the material. College Success also includes an array of student surveys and opinion polls, and OpenStax will regularly provide the results to adopting faculty.

Based on OpenStax’s open (CC-BY) license and its wide array of formats, faculty may remix and reuse these elements according to their approach. OpenStax textbooks are always free online, as a PDF, and through our mobile app, OpenStax + SE.

Robust instructor ancillaries will include lecture slides, an instructor resource manual, a test bank, and other resources.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax College
Amy Baldwin
Date Added:
How do we respond to generative AI in education? Open educational practices give us a framework for an ongoing process
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0.0 stars

With the release of ChatGPT in November 2022, the field of higher education rapidly became aware that generative AI can complete or assist in many of the kinds of tasks traditionally used for assessment. This has come as a shock, on the heels of the shock of the pandemic. How should assessment practices change? Should we teach about generative AI or use it pedagogically? If so, how? Here, we propose that a set of open educational practices, inspired by both the Open Educational Resources (OER) movement and digital collaboration practices popularized in the pandemic, can help educators cope and perhaps thrive in an era of rapidly evolving AI. These practices include turning toward online communities that cross institutional and disciplinary boundaries. Social media, listservs, groups, and public annotation can be spaces for educators to share early, rough ideas and practices and reflect on these as we explore emergent responses to AI. These communities can facilitate crowdsourced curation of articles and learning materials. Licensing such resources for reuse and adaptation allows us to build on what others have done and update resources. Collaborating with students allows emergent, student-centered, and student-guided approaches as we learn together about AI and contribute to societal discussions about its future. We suggest approaching all these modes of response to AI as provisional and subject to reflection and revision with respect to core values and educational philosophies. In this way, we can be quicker and more agile even as the technology continues to change.

We give examples of these practices from the Spring of 2023 and call for recognition of their value and for material support for them going forward. These open practices can help us collaborate across institutions, countries, and established power dynamics to enable a richer, more justly distributed emerging response to AI.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Higher Education
Information Science
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OER: A Field Guide for Academic Librarians
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0.0 stars

We intend this book to act as a guide writ large for would-be champions of OER, that anyone—called to action by the example set by our chapter authors—might serve as guides themselves. The following chapters tap into the deep experience of practitioners who represent a meaningful cross section of higher education institutions in North America. It is our hope that the examples and discussions presented by our authors will facilitate connections among practitioners, foster the development of best practices for OER adoption and creation, and more importantly, lay a foundation for novel, educational excellence.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Pacific University Press
Andrew Wesolek
Anne Langley
Jonathan Lashley
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Ontario College Libraries’ OER Toolkit
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0.0 stars

The OER Toolkit aims to improve equitable access to open learning resources and services to college students by providing a province-wide academic support platform for faculty to use while designing courses and assignments. The Toolkit is a one-stop guide to open educational resources, providing faculty and library staff with tools and information to understand, engage with, create, and sustain OER in their work and practice.

The Toolkit is designed to be used by anyone involved with OER at an academic institution, whether you are part of a team that is collaborating to create OER, a library staff member who is supporting OER development and use, an advocate for OER at your institution, or an instructor seeking to incorporate OER and open pedagogy in the classroom. The primary purpose of this Toolkit is to support faculty and library staff at Ontario colleges; however, it is openly available for use beyond the Ontario college community.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
College Libraries Ontario
Colleges Libraries Ontario and the Ontario Colleges Library Service in collaboration with ISKME
Date Added:
Plotting inequalities (video)
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0.0 stars

To plot an inequality, such as x>3, on a number line, first draw a circle over the number (e.g., 3). Then if the sign includes equal to (≥ or ≤), fill in the circle. If the sign does not include equal to (> or <), leave the circle unfilled in. Finally, draw a line going from the circle in the direction of the numbers that make the inequality true.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Khan Academy
Salman Khan
Date Added: